Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reflections: A Weekend Back Home

I went home this weekend to spend time with my family, friends, girlfriend and on the farm. I miss it so much when I 'm up at school. So, from the short amount of time I was home I have good news and bad news. like always, being the optimist I am I'll share the good news first and try not to dwell on the bad news.

1. I wrote a guest commentary for the "I am ag proud" blog and my acquaintances at ag proud are posting my short blog on their own blog so that other agvocates and followers of their popular blog can see a bit more about how things work in Ohio and on our hog farm. (I'm extremely excited about the opportunity this gives me to connect with many other agvocates) Here's a link to "I am ag proud's" facebook page so you can find out more about this great organization!

2. I still feel confident about the work I'm doing towards a club for animal advacates here at OSU-ATI and I hope that I can find time to finally start my outreach of that program this week.

3. I linked up with a group on facebook known as " I love farmers...they feed my soul" and I am hoping to begin being active in their online discussions and help spread the word of how great agriculture is in Ohio!!! I highly recomend that you look at this group. Here is a link to their facebook page which is a great way to contact them.

4. I didn't freeze this weekend!!! We saw the coldest temperatures before wind chill that I think I have ever seen at home in my short 20 year lifespan. I can thank my extra warm columbia coat for keeping me toasty this weekend.

Now I'll fill you in on the bad news...(it's not to bad)


1. I got a chance to go out to the farrowing unit and work Saturday with some of the workers their and I realized, I have been in college to long!!! I was worn out and ready for a break after a short 4 hours of feeding, walking sows, filling farrowing stalls and such.

2. The weather is supposed to stay cold for quite a while if I understand it right, which means that we can expect everything on the farm to take longer by virtue of patience. (good news is the pigs all stay wamr thanks to our high powered furnaces and temperature controlled rooms. I don't think it was below 65 degrees in any of the barns. Which is great news)

3. As a college student, the worst part of the weekend was having to leave. I miss being out on the farm and with the family. I hope that things continue to move smoothly and I cna help in any way that they need me to.

That about wraps up my reflections of the weekend of January 21st. Oh, my parents celebrated their 26th? wedding anniversary this weekend and got a chance to take a "romantic night" which is great because they both deserve it!!! They work so had to provide for my family. Congratulations Mom and Dad.


  1. Ummm... 27th Anniversary, Sam. (I remember because I was there and your folks got married 6 months before we did.)

    I enjoy reading your blog, City Girl that I am. :)

  2. hahaha yea...I thought about that... in my deefense I wasn't there, so I dont remember the dates!
