Thursday, July 19, 2012


I begin my training in the Ohio Farm Bureau's AgriPOWER program this weekend. I'm extremely excited to see many friends, make many more and learn all kinds of exciting things about agriculture, how they affect me, and how I can be a part of the future of agriculture as a leader in the industry.

I am unique in AgriPOWER as I am the third member of my family to participate in the training. I have seen both my parents go through the training and come out with many changes in their professional life. My father became a much better spokesperson and made many contacts that have helped him grow into a very professional businessman. I also see many changes in my mother's interest in ag issues, public speaking skills and how she interacts with new people she meets.

My family has taught me a lot in my life and always been there to support me and my choices. I hope that I get a very meaningful experience from my training and arrive on the other side with many developed skills and encouragement to stay actively engaged in the issues that are affecting the industry I love so much, agriculture.

I will be writing many blogs about the experiences I have in AgriPOWER as a way to document my experiences both for personal reason and because I am in a unique position to use my training in AgriPOWER  as an internship credit for my college degree in Agricultural Economics.


  1. Sounds like a great program!! Can you send me some more info on the program, I'd love to see if we have something similar in MI FB or if I can work on getting something started that is similar in ideals!

    1. Taylor, I am so sorry for just now getting back to your request! I somehow did not get a notification of your comment! I will send you an email this afternoon with all the details you need for more information.
